You must be logged into BadgerWeb and your SHC Gmail account to access the Google forms below:
Change of Major/Minor Form
Core Requirement Waiver Form
Pass/Fail Request Form
Change of Address Form
Request to Graduate in Absentia
Request for Verification Letter (Full-Time Status/Expected Graduation)
Lived/Preferred Name Request
Use this form to Add and/or Drop courses AFTER registration closes in BadgerWeb.
This form is required when undergraduate students drop below 12 hours in a semester.
SHC students should complete this form BEFORE enrolling at another institution for transient study (transfer credit).
This form is for non-SHC students requesting transient study at SHC.
Please review detailed information and FAQs on deactivations and withdrawals before completing either form.
This form is intended for students who plan to leave Spring Hill College between semesters. This can be with or without the intent to return to Spring Hill College.
This form is intended for students who wish to withdraw from all courses after the start of the term for which they are enrolled.
Official Transcripts are ordered through the National Student Clearinghouse and then sent electronically to the receiving institution or company.
Note: If you attended Spring Hill College prior to 1990 you may have to request your transcript from the Registrar's Office using the form below.